
7th/8th- Brainstorming and Creativity


Today we are going to discuss different ways to approach being creative and brainstorming ideas. 
We will look at three specific tasks to help you brainstorm in the art room- list making, mind mapping, and sketching thumbnails. All of these will help you in the design process as you create you artworks.  We will go through this process as you  brainstorm ideas for themes that you could use to make art this year. 

1. List Making 

List making is the easiest and quickest method of getting ideas onto paper. The most important step during this time is to write down EVERY idea. No judgement is allowed during the list making phase. The goal of this brainstorming method is to come up with as many ideas as possible, good or bad. 

Today we are going to make a list based on themes in art that you may want to create art about.

After you complete your list , go through your ideas with another person and see if they have any suggestions for more ideas or if they have any constructive criticism and suggestions to remove ideas. 

Refine your listy down to 3-5 ideas that you really like and are happy with to move on to the next step of brainstorming.

2. Mind Mapping

A Mind Map is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying about order and structure. It allows you to visually structure your ideas to help with analysis and recall.

Take a look at this link for more info on Mind Maps

Now create a mind map using your ideas from your earlier list as your main branches. 

1. Start the middle of your map with ART THEMES 2021/22

2. add your list to the map as the first set of branches.

3. Add more branches and twigs to each main theme branch to expand on your ideas. 
You could think about diving deeper into the theme, adding subject matter ideas, or media ideas to these branches and twigs. The choice is yours. 

3. Thumbnails/Sketching

The final step in our brainstorming exercise is thumbnails and sketching. 
As you heard in the video above, thumbnails are small sketches in boxes that can be as detailed as you like. Sketching is a good way to get visual information down on paper and there are many different purposes and functions that sketches can accomplish. Sketches will give you and others a rough visual outline to start your artworks. 

From your mind map, choose one of your ideas that you really liked and sketch 3 thumbnail sketches of your artistic vision of this idea that you have created. 

Good job! You have successfully brainstormed and created ideas for some future artworks in class. You can use all or parts of this method for future brainstorming to come up with ideas for art. 

Submit you required work to Google Classroom for credit.

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