
7th Grade Sketchbook Assignments

You are required to have a sketchbook for this class. 
Your sketchbook must NOT be smaller than 8x10 in. 
If you cannot get a sketchbook we can make one for you in class.

Sketchbook #1

Feral Family Portraits

Your first sketchbook assignment is to create a drawing of a family portrait, only this portrait will be a little bit ........different. Your family should have regular human bodies, but their heads should be an animals (like a dog or bird) or an insect (like a fly or grasshopper)!

Sketchbook #2

Creating Cartoons- Personifying Objects

Create a cartoon character by bringing an inanimate object to life. Use the cartoon face and limb examples below to help bring your cartoon character to life. Give your character a name and include it in the drawing somehow. (Don't just write the name, incorporate it into the artwork)

Sketchbook #3

Lego Man

Fill in the Lego Man template however you like. Your lego person can be anything
you would like.

Sketchbook #4

Color Scheme Skateboards

Create 2 skateboard designs using 2 different color schemes. Designs can be anything you want. 
Label both skateboards with the color scheme you chose.
Color Scheme Examples-
Warm                    Monochromatic
Cool                      Neutral
Primary                 Complemetary
Secondary            Split-Complementary
Analagous            Tertiary

Color Scheme Video

Sketchbook #5

Chimera (Greek Mythology)

For this sketchbook assignment, you will combine 2 to 3 animals together to make your chimera creation. Do not copy the mythological chimera, create your own creature.

Anglertoad = Angler Fish + Toad

Sketchbook #6

Visual Puns

Choose a compound word to draw. Your drawing should be a literal translation of the word. Act as if you have no idea what the word means and draw it as it sounds.

  1. pun. the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications, or the use of words that are alike or nearly alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words. the word or phrase used in this way.

  2. Sketchbook #7

  3. Bio- Mechanical Creation

  4. For this sketchbook assignment you will be creating a creature or plant creation that is half organic (flesh, bones, petals, all the squishy parts) and half mechanical (gears, circuits, metal). 

Sketchbook #8

Cartoon Character Monsters

Choose a famous cartoon character to turn into a MONSTER!
You may print off and trace a full page original version of your cartoon character. 
After that, use your creativity to change your character into an undead/vampire/monster version of themselves. 

Sketchbook #9

Peace Sign Design

Create an original peace sign design. There are many different ways to complete this sketchbook assignment. 

You may use a simple outline of a peace sign to start your drawing. 

Start with an image like this. You may lightly trace a peace sign to start your drawing.

1. You can fill the peace sign with something.

2. You can make the peace sign out of something.

3. You can create something in the negative space of the peace sign.

Sketchbook #10

30 Circle Creativity Challenge

Using the worksheet provided, Create 30 original circular designs in full color.
Any object that is circular will work. You may draw outside of a circle or use more than one circle in a design. 
Be creative as possible. Don't use the internet or someone else to get ideas. These are your 30 ideas!

Sketchbook #11

If You Could Have a Superpower, What Would it Be?

If you could have one super power what would it be. Draw a picture of your super power.

Admit it – At some point in your life, you’ve run around the house in a cape, or at least thought about doing it. Don’t worry. No judgment here. There’s just something fascinating about superheroes that captures the imaginations of young and old alike. It’s fun to envision how different life would be if we developed superpowers of our own.

Sketchbook #12

Hidden Poems

Using a page torn from one of the old books in class, create a poem from the words on the page. 

The poem does not have to relate to the actual book in any way. 

 Frame those words in an abstract design and connect them in some way using color.

There are many examples of this project here

Sketchbook #13

Doodle 4 Google

Using the template provided, redesign the Google logo. Choose a theme and create your design based on that theme. Design must be in full color.  Take a look HERE to see last year's 250 state finalist pieces.

6-7 Winner 2014

8-9 Winner 2014

Sketchbook #14

Vans Shoe Design

Using one of the templates below, design your own custom vans shoe design.
This sketchbook is inspired by the Vans Custom Culture Contest.

There are 4 different themes to choose from to create your shoe design

1. Art
2. Music
3. Action Sports
4. Local Flavor

Choose the shoe of your choice and pick a theme to create your original design.

Authentic Vans

Old Skool Vans

Sk8-Hi Vans

Slip-On Vans

Sketchbook #15

Personal Logo

 Famous Logo Examples

Evolution of company logos over time

Different types of logos

logo (abbreviation of logotype,[1] from Greekλόγος logos "word" and τύπος typos "imprint") is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark).

Create a logo that represents you as an individual. It may contain your name or initials or it may be a graphic representation with no words.

Example thumbnails for a personal logo called Bradford Design. Notice how many different ways the artist was able to represent the company.

Sketchbook #16

Surrealist Objects

Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings. Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision, created strange creatures from everyday objects, and developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself

Create a surrealist artwork using an everyday object as your starting point.

Sketchbook #17

Creative Combos

You will be using the website below to generate a creative combo of words to draw
The website pairs an adjective with a noun.

1. Click the "generate another pair" button until you have written down 5 ideas that you could turn into a sketch. 
2. Choose one of your five ideas to draw for your sketchbook assignment today. 
3. Create your artwork and write which adj/noun combo you chose for your final sketch.

Submit your finished artwork. 

Sketchbook #18

Your Vending Machine

Sketchbook #19

Frankenstein's Pet

Our sketchbook assignment this week is inspired by Sparky from Frankenweenie. 

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is an 1818 novel written by English author Mary Shelley. Frankenstein tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition was published anonymously in London on 1 January 1818, when she was 20.

If Frankenstein created a pet what would it look like. Draw you Frankenpet. 
You cannot draw Sparky for your Frankenpet.

Sketchbook #20 

Alien Flowers

Create an a flower or plant from an alien planet.  

Sketchbook 21

Song Illustration

Choose lyrics from one of your favorite songs that you could draw an image from.
Using an interesting font, include the lyrics in your artwork. 

Look at the links below for some inspiration and tips.

Sketchbook 22

Salt and Pepper Shaker

Create a salt and pepper shaker. 
Think of an interesting pair or a unique way to split something in half or an interesting way to combine two objects together. 

Sketchbook 23

Cross Section Drawings

Create a cross section image of something, you can use an ant hill, a house, and underground bunker,  a fantasy mountainside, or anything else you can think of to make an interesting cross section artwork. Take a look at the links below for inspiration.

Sketchbook 24

5K/Marathon Race Medal

Design a 5k/marathon race medal. Marathon medals come in all shapes and sizes. Create a race medal for an imaginary race or create a new medal for a race that exists.

Medal Examples

Sketchbook 25

Spin the Wheel

Spin the wheel for your artwork prompt this week. Write your prompt at the top of your page. 

Sketchbook 26

Face Lines
Follow the instructions below for your sketchbook assignment today. 

Sketchbook 27

1 Point Perspective Crystals

This sketchbook will focus on drawing in perspective and some blending and value work in your crystals.

Click the link here for a tutorial video:

Sketchbook 28

Picasso Superheroes 

Create a superhero/super villain drawing but use Picasso/cubism inspired proportions. 
Your artwork must include a background. 

Sketchbook 29

Robot Job Replacement

Create a robot to do a house chore/task that you don't like doing.

Sketchbook 30

Light Bulb Ideas

What "idea" would you put in a light bulb? 
Create a surrealist type world, event, or scenario inside a lightbulb.

Sketchbook 31