
5th- Abstract Art/ Non-Objective Name Art

The main characteristic of abstract art is that it has no recognizable subject. Some Abstract Artists had theories on the emotions that were caused by certain colors and shapes. They planned out their seemingly random paintings to the last detail. Other Abstract Artists painted with emotion and randomness hoping to capture their emotion and subconscious thoughts on the canvas.

Wassily Kandinsky
First Abstract painting made in 1910

Mark Rothko

Jackson Pollock

COLOR SCHEMES- A color scheme is used to describe the overall selection of colors in an artwork. The major color schemes in art are analogous, complementary, split-complementary, triadic, rectangular and monochromatic. These color schemes utilize colors at certain locations on the color wheel.

Triad Color Scheme

Complementary Color Scheme

Warm/Cool Color Scheme

Monochromatic Color Scheme

1. Create a bold, page- filling design of your name using a black medium of your choice.
(Far left picture)

2. Divide and cut the design into 9 equal squares.
(It should look like a hashtag) 

3.Rearrange the squares to create your non-objective design
(Middle picture)

4. Color your piece using 2 to 3 colors. Use a color scheme discussed in class.
(Far right picture)

AR Standards: CR2.6.1 CR2.6.2 CR3.6.1 R8.6.1

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