

7th- Mixed Media Bones/ Positive and Negative Space


Our next project is inspired by Halloween and our art room guest, Napoleon Bonaparte.
You will be using oil pastel to recreate a portion of a skeleton. You will use the oil pastel to create value and depth for your bones. After you finish your drawing, you will paint the piece with watercolor. 

Positive and Negative Space


Practice drawing positive and negative spaces by using the grid method on the provided worksheet. This is a simplified version of a skeleton. Today you are focused on getting the correct shapes. Check out the rubric for guidance on how to get full credit. 

DAY 2-5

You will choose what drawing you would like to complete for your final and begin work on that today, and continue throughout the next few days.
1. Enlarge your drawing onto the 9x9 paper using the grid method.
2. Use your oils pastels to create shading and depth. 
3. Paint with watercolor.

All of these steps can be found in the video below.

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