

7th/8th- About Me Art Portfolios

 A portfolio is a thoughtfully designed visual selection and presentation of art and/or design. It embodies your ideas, research, innovations, skills, and work process. This week you will create a personalized portfolio to house all your artwork for this school year. 

Watch the video below and then scroll down for instructions.


1. Using a site like for inspiration, find an interesting font to draw your name on the front of the portfolio. Draw your name. 

2. Draw at least 5 "stickers" around your name that represent you. Think of items like your favorite things, likes, hobbies, interests, favorite foods, bands, characters and more for your "stickers." Make the stickers large so they fill the space around your name. 

3. Trace your drawings with a sharpie. Give your "stickers" an outline and use a pencil to shade your stickers. 

4. Color your "stickers" and your name to complete your portfolio. 

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