
7th- Pop Art, Andy Warhol, and Candy Bars

What's your favorite candy bar?
This project takes a look at the Pop Art movement, and the artist Andy Warhol. We will create a pop art piece using our favorite candy bar and watercolors. 

1. Take a look at this site, It contains A LOT of candy bar wrappers.

2. Choose what candy bar you will paint, save an image and practice creating 4 interesting compositions using Pixlr and the crop tool.

Here are some composition tips

3. Choose your favorite cropped image of your candy bar to enlarge as your pop art piece.

4. Draw your candy bar on the 12x18 piece of watercolor paper. Remember to fill the space and use your printout of your cropped candy bar as a reference to create a dynamic image.

5. Paint your candy bar using watercolor to represent the candy bar as accurately as possible.

6. Add a background of color/patterns to finish your piece. 

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